Flight Tracker

Consortium Meeting

Monthly Partner Meetings withWhat's New, What's Next & a Deep Dive
We gather on the first Wednesday of every month, except holidays, from 1-2pm Central Time.

Next Meeting: January 8, 2025

January is National Mentoring Month!

  • What’s New?
  • Deep Dive: Mentee-Mentor Agreements v2.0
  • What’s Next?

Email Scott Pearson to request an invitation. It’s an open meeting!

Slides from Prior Meetings

  1. December 2024: Data Cleaning
  2. November 2024: Visualizing Publications
  3. October 2024: Creating a Self-Signup Flight Tracker
  4. September 2024: Pearls of Publication Wrangling
  5. August 2024: Unpacking Cohorts
  6. July 2024: The Scholar Portal
  7. June 2024: Sending Flight Tracker Surveys
  8. May 2024: Exporting Useful REDCap Reports
  9. March 2024: Maximizing Value on a New Project
  10. February 2024: Tricks of Publication Wrangling
  11. January 2024: Crowdsourcing Implementation
  12. December 2023: Slicing & Dicing with Cohorts
  13. November 2023: Profiling a Group of Scholars
  14. October 2023: Getting Ready to Send Surveys
  15. September 2023: Name Matching – The Tough Cases
  16. August 2023: Scholar Portal Coming Soon
  17. June 2023: Scholar Follow-Up After They Leave
  18. May 2023: Multiple Flight Trackers
  19. April 2023: Cohorts / Filters / Sub-Groups
  20. March 2023: NIH Training Tables
  21. February 2023: All About Grants & the *NEW* Grant Wrangler
  22. January 2023: The Metrics of Mentoring
  23. December 2022: REDCap Forms for Flight Tracker
  24. November 2022: Uploading CSVs
  25. October 2022: REDCap Reports
  26. September 2022: Profiling a Group of Scholars
  27. August 2022: NIH Training Tables
  28. July 2022: ERIC Publications & Getting Started
  29. June 2022: NSF/NASA Grants & Publication Wrangler
  30. May 2022: Miscellaneous Updates
  31. April 2022: Federal RePORTER & Feature Switches
  32. March 2022: Miscellaneous Updates, Financial ROI
  33. February 2022: Mentee-Mentor Agreements
  34. January 2022: National Mentoring Month
  35. November 2021: Public Access Compliance & an Example Report
  36. October 2021: Open Q & A
  37. September 2021: Publication Impact Scores, CTSA Common Metrics, and Hazard Plots
  38. July 2021: Mid-Year Review
  39. June 2021: CTSA Common Metrics and Kaplan-Meier Curves
  40. May 2021: Patents and Cohort Projects
  41. April 2021: NIH RePORTER Updates
  42. March 2021: Internal Data Sharing
  43. February 2021: What’s New & What’s Next?
  44. January 2021: Ten New Year’s Resolutions
  45. December 2020: What Makes Careers Advance? Turning Flight Tracker into Research
  46. November 2020: Visualizing and Simplifying Your Data
  47. October 2020: Custom Mentoring Agreements
  48. September 2020: Publications and Bibliometrics
  49. August 2020: Miscellaneous
  50. July 2020: Spreading the Word about Flight Tracker At Your Institution
  51. Mentoring, Resources, and Feedback
  52. Advanced Configurations
  53. Ongoing Use and External Data-Sharing
  54. Reporting and NIH Tables
  55. Publication Wrangling
  56. Interpretation of Individuals, Population, and Sub-Groups
  57. Emails, Surveys, and Internal Data-Sharing
  58. Handling Grants
  59. Getting Started
Email the Edge team at info@edgeforscholars.org
upcoming Consortium Meeting events [ view all events ]
January 13, 2025 | 9:00 am (In-Person) Dr. Todd Edwards | 2525 West End, 6 Floor boardroom
Grant Pacing Workshop
Grants & Funding
Pre/Post Doc
January 16, 2025 | 12:00 pm (In-Person) Panel | PRB 206
Newman Seminar
Grants & Funding
Early career faculty
January 30, 2025 | 12:00 pm (In-Person) Dr. Bill Cooper | PRB 206
Edge Seminar
Pre/Post Doc
February 6, 2025 | 12:00 pm (In-Person) Panel | PRB 206
Newman Seminar
Faculty Life
Early career faculty
February 12, 2025 | 8:00 am (In-Person) Student Life Center
Doing Research
Pre/Post Doc
Early career faculty
Mid career faculty
Senior faculty
February 20, 2025 | 12:00 pm (In-Person) Dr. James West | PRB 206
Edge Seminar
Writing & Publishing
Pre/Post Doc
March 27, 2025 | 12:00 pm (In-Person) Dr. Jermaine Soto | PRB 206
Edge Seminar
Newman Seminar
Faculty Life
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Management & Leadership
Pre/Post Doc
Early career faculty
April 3, 2025 | 12:00 pm (In-Person) Russ Bebee | PRB 206
Edge Seminar
Doing Research
Pre/Post Doc
Early career faculty
April 10, 2025 | 12:00 pm (In-Person) Panel | PRB 206
Newman Seminar
Grants & Funding
Early career faculty
May 1, 2025 | 12:00 pm (In-Person) Stacey Satchell | PRB 206
Edge Seminar
Newman Seminar
Faculty Life
Life Hacks
Pre/Post Doc
Early career faculty

Assistant Professor

Pediatrics Allergy/Immunology/Pulmonary Medicine
Award Type
  • K23

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Medicine/Division of Rheumatology and Immunology
Award Type
  • K08

Assistant Professor

Dermatology; Biomedical Engineering
Award Type
  • I01
  • IK2

Associate Professor

Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Award Type
  • R01

find out first
For local announcements, follow @EFSInsideScoop.