
Writing Tools

Funded Grants Library

More than 400 funded grant applications written by Vanderbilt and Meharry investigators
The Funded Grants Library allows Vanderbilt and Meharry students, trainees, and faculty to view and download funded grant applications.


  • Rs [R01, R61, R03, R21]
  • Ks [K01, K08, K23, K24 mentoring awards]
  • Fs [F30, F31, F32]
  • NIH Loan Repayment Program applications
  • NIH diversity supplements
  • U01
  • VA Merit and VA CDA grants
  • Foundation career development awards

Access is restricted to Vanderbilt and Meharry faculty, postdocs, and graduate students.

Graduate students, postdocs/fellows, and early career faculty should copy their primary mentor on the request so the mentor can confirm the need for access. Our PIs have been extremely generous to include their grants and we want to ensure they don’t get out in the wild.


Before visiting the Grants Library, users agree to:

  • Keep the contents of the example grants confidential
  • Not share any part(s) of the grants in the repository.
  • Not to utilize any text of the grant in my own grant.
  • Understand that the individuals who provided grants will be able to view a list of names of those who accessed their grants.
  • Provide a copy of the grant to the Office of Research after submission to be kept on file and reviewed for compliance to this agreement.
mentor notes

To donate a grant to the library, email Rebecca Helton.

If you resubmitted, we appreciate having both versions of the grant and both sets of summary sheets to aid in teaching how to respond to reviewer feedback.

How it Works
Gain Access

Email Adrienne Babcock

Graduate students, postdocs, and early career faculty should copy their primary mentor on the request so the mentor can confirm the need for access.

Visit Library

If you have received access, visit the Funded Grants Library.

Add Grant

Email Rebecca Helton  to add your grant to the library.


Email Adrienne Babcock requesting access. If you are an Assistant Professor, Instructor, postdoc, fellow, resident or grad student, copy your primary mentor on your request.


Email the grant to Rebecca Helton. You can either send the entire grant file as downloaded from eRA Commons or send selected pieces, whichever you prefer. We will black out any salary information. Please include summary sheets. If you resubmitted, we appreciate having both versions of the grant and both sets of summary sheets to aid in teaching how to respond to reviewer feedback.


Email the Edge team at info@edgeforscholars.org



Raise awareness of your research by sharing your newly funded grants and published papers with Edge for Scholars. We’ll tweet your success!

Fill out the short survey that gives you an opportunity to include details, collaborators, and images. The Edge team will create the tweet and share it on @EFSInsideScoop#EFSKudos


upcoming Funded Grants Library events [ view all events ]
August 20, 2024 | 8:00 am (In-Person) Camp Widjiwagan, Percy Priest Lake
Faculty Life
Pre/Post Doc
Early career faculty
Mid career faculty
Senior faculty
September 16, 2024 | 9:00 am (In-Person) Dr. Todd Edwards | 2525 West End, 6 Floor boardroom
Grant Pacing Workshop
Grants & Funding
Pre/Post Doc
January 13, 2025 | 9:00 am (In-Person) Dr. Todd Edwards | 2525 West End, 6 Floor boardroom
Grant Pacing Workshop
Grants & Funding
Pre/Post Doc
February 12, 2025 | 8:00 am (In-Person) Student Life Center
Doing Research
Pre/Post Doc
Early career faculty
Mid career faculty
Senior faculty
PIs have been extremely generous to include their grants
Funded Grants Library
view grants

Assistant Professor

Dermatology; Biomedical Engineering
Award Type
  • I01
  • IK2

Research Assistant Professor

Orthopaedic Surgery & Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Award Type
  • DOD

Associate Professor

Medicine, Division of Clinical Pharmacology
Award Type
  • R01

Assistant Professor

Medicine/Genetic Medicine
Award Type
  • New Investigator Award

find out first
For local announcements, follow @EFSInsideScoop.