
Building Your Career

Learn From Others

Steps to learningfrom others
How it Works
Enhancing research focus

Pathways participants customize a combination of experiential, intensive, and didactic learning within one of eight broad, translational themes.

Checking out a book

Edge Library curates books for career development including a selection of guides for academic writing.

Book Reviews of our favorites.

Learning from the Pros

Seminars presented by senior faculty and curated by career stage.

Edge Seminars for MD and PhD
investigators completing training and establishing
their careers.

Newman Seminars for faculty on a career
development award.

Translational Research Forum

See all events

Joining the mailing list

The Cutting Edge Newsletter is curated to sharpen your academic skills. Sign up to get fresh content directly to your inbox.

Select newsletters:

Cultivating RCR & Progress Reports
Thrills & Challenges of Trainee Life
Smooth Sailing for the Academic Year
Teaching to Inspire Curiosity
Grant Writing

Meeting the team

The Edge for Scholars’ team provides tools to promote careers, demystify academic life, teach strategy, develop stronger approaches to inevitable challenges, and encourage scholars and their mentors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Email the Edge team at info@edgeforscholars.org
upcoming Learn From Others events [ view all events ]
August 20, 2024 | 8:00 am (In-Person) Camp Widjiwagan, Percy Priest Lake
Faculty Life
Pre/Post Doc
Early career faculty
Mid career faculty
Senior faculty
September 16, 2024 | 9:00 am (In-Person) Dr. Todd Edwards | 2525 West End, 6 Floor boardroom
Grant Pacing Workshop
Grants & Funding
Pre/Post Doc
January 13, 2025 | 9:00 am (In-Person) Dr. Todd Edwards | 2525 West End, 6 Floor boardroom
Grant Pacing Workshop
Grants & Funding
Pre/Post Doc
February 12, 2025 | 8:00 am (In-Person) Student Life Center
Doing Research
Pre/Post Doc
Early career faculty
Mid career faculty
Senior faculty
Connecting with senior faculty

Associate Professor

Medicine, Division of Clinical Pharmacology
Award Type
  • R01

Assistant Professor

Pediatrics Allergy/Immunology/Pulmonary Medicine
Award Type
  • K23

Assistant Professor

Dermatology; Biomedical Engineering
Award Type
  • I01
  • IK2

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Medicine/Division of Rheumatology and Immunology
Award Type
  • K08

find out first
For local announcements, follow @EFSInsideScoop.