Edge Office

Helpful Links

Vanderbilt servicesat your fingertips

Below are Vanderbilt services we share the most.


The Office of Biomedical Research Education and Training (BRET) provides support and resources for Vanderbilt biomedical graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty who train graduate students and postdocs.

BRET Office


Full-day session on Responsible Conduct of Research occurs annually, typically in May.

BRET RCR Training


Faculty and Staff Health and Wellness Work/Life Connections (WLC) provides counseling, coaching, critical incident stress management debriefings, and resilience skill training.

Faculty & Staff Health and Wellness


Training future research scientists and public health professionals to be innovative and effective leaders dedicated to improving public health.

Master of Public Health


The MSCI program trains physicians and other health professionals in the fundamental tools of patient-oriented research, which generally involves mechanistic, hypothesis-driven research on patients, often within the context of clinical trials of new drugs, devices, or procedures.

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation



Dedicated to the professional development and well-being of its faculty members, the Faculty Development Resource pages provide an inclusive listing of developmental opportunities available on campus and through external entities as well as a library of publications related professional development.

Faculty Development Programs


Search for seminars and other events providing CME and RCR credit.

Research Education Calendar


Pilot funding up to $36,000/year and up to 90 hours of statistician support.

VICTR Pilot Funding and Biostatistical Support


Studio managers gather faculty with relevant experience and/or community stakeholders to provide feedback and guide researchers in hypothesis generation, study design, grant or manuscript writing, implementation, community engagement, and more. The service is free.

VICTR Studios


A compilation of VUMC research resources by the Center for Health Services Research. Website includes 5-minute video clips, brief slides, and links for more information. Updated regularly.

Vanderbilt Research Resources for Health Services Research


Read the FAQ, see which team member is your ideal contact, or email the Edge team at info@edgeforscholars.org.

upcoming Helpful Links events [ view all events ]
March 27, 2025 | 12:00 pm (Virtual) Dr. Jermaine Soto | Zoom
Edge Seminar
Newman Seminar
Faculty Life
Management & Leadership
Pre/Post Doc
Early career faculty
April 3, 2025 | 12:00 pm (In-Person) Russ Bebee | PRB 206
Edge Seminar
Doing Research
Pre/Post Doc
Early career faculty
April 24, 2025 | 12:00 pm (In-Person) Panel | PRB 206
Newman Seminar
Grants & Funding
Early career faculty
May 1, 2025 | 12:00 pm (In-Person) Stacey Satchell | PRB 206
Edge Seminar
Newman Seminar
Faculty Life
Life Hacks
Pre/Post Doc
Early career faculty
find out first
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