Program Highlights
- Participation in local and national Translational Science meetings
- Opportunity to interact with other translational scientists from Vanderbilt University, VUMC, and Meharry through activities such as work-in-progress sessions, Edge Seminars, and Vanderbilt Translational Research Forum
Trainee Requirements
- Doctoral degree (MD, PhD, DO, DDS, etc.)
- Research must be translational
- US Citizen or Permanent Resident
- At least 1 year of NRSA funding eligibility
- Pursuing research training full time, normally defined as 40 hours per week
Nominations Packets Must Include
- CV of the Trainee nominated
- Mentor Biosketch
- Nomination letter
Financial Support based on the Current NIH FY22 NRSA rates
This program is supported by an award TL1TR002244 from NCATS/NIH