Access is restricted to Vanderbilt and Meharry faculty, postdocs, and graduate students.
Graduate students, postdocs/fellows, and early career faculty should copy their primary mentor on the request so the mentor can confirm the need for access. Our PIs have been extremely generous to include their grants and we want to ensure they don’t get out in the wild.
Before visiting the Grants Library, users agree to:
To donate a grant to the library, email Rebecca Helton.
If you resubmitted, we appreciate having both versions of the grant and both sets of summary sheets to aid in teaching how to respond to reviewer feedback.
Email Adrienne Babcock
Graduate students, postdocs, and early career faculty should copy their primary mentor on the request so the mentor can confirm the need for access.
Email Adrienne Babcock requesting access. If you are an Assistant Professor, Instructor, postdoc, fellow, resident or grad student, copy your primary mentor on your request.
Email the grant to Rebecca Helton. You can either send the entire grant file as downloaded from eRA Commons or send selected pieces, whichever you prefer. We will black out any salary information. Please include summary sheets. If you resubmitted, we appreciate having both versions of the grant and both sets of summary sheets to aid in teaching how to respond to reviewer feedback.
Email the Edge team at
Raise awareness of your research by sharing your newly funded grants and published papers with Edge for Scholars. We’ll tweet your success!
Fill out the short survey that gives you an opportunity to include details, collaborators, and images. The Edge team will create the tweet and share it on @EFSInsideScoop. #EFSKudos
Associate Professor
Clinical Instructor
Research Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor