Writing Tools

Edge Reviews

Get an internal reviewof your proposal
Edge Review is a NIH-like internal study section by senior Vanderbilt faculty. Reviews are conducted in advance of NIH cycles for R, K, or F series, or equivalents for basic and clinical investigation.


We offer an internal review by senior faculty of any R, K, or F application, as well as applications for other federal and foundation funding sources. We cannot review applications for VFRS or other K12 or equivalent programs on campus, only extramural awards. Proposals may include first submissions (A0), resubmissions (A1), and renewals for basic, translational and clinical investigation for the corresponding NIH cycle.




This service complements, but cannot replace, the input of your mentor, department or division senior faculty members.

All materials are due by 5:00 PM Central Time on the corresponding due date. No late submissions accepted.

You will receive an individual video recording link and reviewers’ written critiques within a few days of the review, giving you time to respond to recommendations before it’s time to submit to the NIH. You are strongly encouraged to watch the video with your mentor. (Note: AIDS reviews are not videotaped.)

mentor notes

Faculty with at least one R01 or equivalent can be a reviewer.

Reviewers are assigned up to three proposals. Meetings are similar to NIH study section.

Info for first-time reviewers

Outcomes of grants you have reviewed

How it Works

Identify the NIH submission date and corresponding Vanderbilt due dates (2024, 2025).

Complete a Survey of Intent

Complete a Survey of Intent by the corresponding due date. You will need your draft abstract, specific aims page and current NIH biosketch.


Email a SINGLE PDF of below listed Grant Materials by the corresponding due date to rebecca.helton@vumc.org.


The minimum requirements are called out below. All other documents are strongly encouraged in order to receive the most thorough review.

  1. Cover letter – can be to us or your NIH institute
  2. Project Summary/Abstract ~30 lines
  3. Summary Statement if revision/resubmission
  4. REQUIRED for resubmissions: Introduction to resubmission/response to reviewers
  5. REQUIRED: Specific Aims – single page
  6. REQUIRED: Research Strategy – note/highlight your responses if revision/resubmission
  7. References cited
  8. Facilities and Resources
  9. PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information Attachments (if applicable)
  10. REQUIRED: Key personnel NIH biosketches
  11. Letters of support – can be unsigned drafts
  12. Budget – include what you have
  13. REQUIRED for K awards: Candidate background and career goals, mentor letter, and Responsible Conduct of Research training plan
  1. Use the NIH format required for your application.
  2. Reference the correct RFA for your application.
  3. Include as much information as you can to help ensure you receive the best possible review. We understand some letters of support and budgets may not be completely ready at the time of review.

Email rebecca.helton@vumc.org

upcoming Edge Reviews events [ view all events ]
March 27, 2025 | 12:00 pm (Virtual) Dr. Jermaine Soto | Zoom
Edge Seminar
Newman Seminar
Faculty Life
Management & Leadership
Pre/Post Doc
Early career faculty
April 3, 2025 | 12:00 pm (In-Person) Russ Bebee | PRB 206
Edge Seminar
Doing Research
Pre/Post Doc
Early career faculty
April 24, 2025 | 12:00 pm (In-Person) Panel | PRB 206
Newman Seminar
Grants & Funding
Early career faculty
May 1, 2025 | 12:00 pm (In-Person) Stacey Satchell | PRB 206
Edge Seminar
Newman Seminar
Faculty Life
Life Hacks
Pre/Post Doc
Early career faculty
Your grant reviewed by senior faculty.
Please express my gratitude to the Edge Reviewers for their time and feedback on my grant. I took their feedback to heart and am proud of the R01 I ultimately submitted after getting some help from a mentor incorporating their comments.

~ Edge Review Participant

Seeing the reviewers think critically about the grant was very helpful. It helped me see more of the dynamics of how the issues were being thought about, and filled in more details about concerns that were raised. There was also one reviewer (who had not directly reviewed the grant) who brought up the EXACT question I needed help answering. Watching that question get addressed and discussed was exceptionally helpful.

~ Edge Review Participant

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this. It was helpful for me to have this experience and I hope my comments are helpful to the applicants. I have used this resource several times as an applicant and have found it invaluable when writing my own grants.

~ Edge Reviewer

a checklist for successful submission

Assistant Professor

Medicine/Genetic Medicine
Award Type
  • New Investigator Award

Research Assistant Professor

Radiology and Radiological Science
Award Type
  • R03

Clinical Instructor

Medicine/Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Award Type
  • K23

Associate Professor

Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Award Type
  • R01

find out first
For local announcements, follow @EFSInsideScoop.