Writing Tools

Animation Awards

Promote your science with an animation and social media campaign
Bring your research to life in an animated video to maximize social media outreach. VU/VUMC researchers may apply for Science Communication Animation Awards for not-yet-published work.

Sharing research findings is part of good stewardship of resources provided by NIH, other agencies and foundations. Animation Awards are intended to enhance the visibility of important research being done at Vanderbilt that advances a field, has implications for human health and prevention, helps inform policy or implementation, or introduces new and important technology.

Strong evidence indicates online media influences the reach of scientific findings, enhancing connections with other scientists, and is a valuable means of presenting reliable information to the public. Including visual materials, especially videos like animations, is associated with greater attention in print, broadcast, online media outlets and blogs, and in social media.

This contest is part of a larger project to prospectively map the value of this form of outreach.

Awardees will have an opportunity to create a video animation/visual abstract with KindeaLabs.com, in addition to science communication support in developing a media outreach with emphasis on online social media. Real-time tracking of the influence of your media campaign (with metrics such as Altmetrics score, Relative Citation Index, and Lexus-Nexus).

Examples of videos produced by KindeaLabs for Vanderbilt researchers include:

Microbiome and Hypertension http://bit.ly/HighSaltHypertension
Miscarriage and Alcohol Consumption http://bit.ly/AlcoholUseMiscarriage
Highlights from Denison Lab: http://bit.ly/DenisonLab
How it Works

This award is intended for research that has been submitted for publication but not yet accepted by any team of VUMC/VU authors.

Allocation of awards will preferentially support early career faculty (K or first R01 without renewal yet) in a ratio of 7:3 until funds for this project are exhausted.

If the work is especially compelling, we will also seek other sources of funding on behalf of the scientific team for more established groups.


Submit all items below in a single email to verna.n.wright@vumc.org (copy katherine.hartmann@vumc.org) with subject line: Science Animation Awards.

A completed packet consists of:

  1. Name and impact factor of the journal with which the manuscript is out for review.
  2. Full manuscript including tables, figures, and any appendices or online supplements.
  3. Brief description (<350 words) in plain language explaining why the science is well-suited to broader distribution in media.
  4. Current social media handles and platform (FB, Twitter, LinkedIn) for authors, lab, departments who will participate in dissemination.

Review is done on a rolling basis with a target turn-around of 21 days, unless additional expertise is required.


This award is intended for research that has been submitted for publication but not yet accepted. Any team of authors who are based at Vanderbilt (VUMC/VU). Allocation of awards will preferentially support early career faculty (K or first R01 without renewal yet) in a ratio of 7:3 until funds for this project are exhausted. If the work is especially compelling, we will also seek other sources of funding on behalf of the scientific team for more established groups.


Requesting to be considered for animation should not require additional work beyond what you would need to do to submit and promote the visibility of your paper. The brief description should be a first draft similar to what you might share with the VUMC Reporter or a member of the media. The application packet will be used to understand potential importance for dissemination. Neither this application nor any portion of your materials will be shared inside or outside of Vanderbilt, except confidentially to review committee members.


To activate the review process, submit all items below in a single email to verna.n.wright@vumc.org (copy katherine.hartmann@vumc.org) with subject line: Science Animation Awards. A completed packet consists of:

  1. Name and impact factor of the journal with which the manuscript is out for review.
  2. Full manuscript including tables, figures, and any appendices or online supplements.
  3. Brief description (<350 words) in plain language explaining why the science is well-suited to broader distribution in media.
  4. Current social media handles and platform (FB, Twitter, LinkedIn) for authors, lab, departments who will participate in dissemination.

Review is done on a rolling basis with a target turn-around of 21 days, unless additional expertise is required.


A multidisciplinary committee of basic, clinical, and translational scientists (n=20). Ex Officio experts may be asked to provide additional input and to vote based on their content or methodologic expertise. A simple majority will constitute approval; quorum for electronic voting is at least 75% of the review committee.


We will fund production of a 2-minute animation with voiceover. If authors wish to use expedited services, add length, or pursue more changes or additional materials than offered in the standard agreement, the authors are responsible for the additional cost.


Email the Edge team at info@edgeforscholars.org



Raise awareness of your research by sharing your newly funded grants and published papers with Edge for Scholars. We’ll tweet your success!

Fill out the short survey that gives you an opportunity to include details, collaborators, and images. The Edge team will create the tweet and share it on @EFSInsideScoop#EFSKudos


upcoming Animation Awards events [ view all events ]
March 27, 2025 | 12:00 pm (Virtual) Dr. Jermaine Soto | Zoom
Edge Seminar
Newman Seminar
Faculty Life
Management & Leadership
Pre/Post Doc
Early career faculty
April 3, 2025 | 12:00 pm (In-Person) Russ Bebee | PRB 206
Edge Seminar
Doing Research
Pre/Post Doc
Early career faculty
April 24, 2025 | 12:00 pm (In-Person) Panel | PRB 206
Newman Seminar
Grants & Funding
Early career faculty
May 1, 2025 | 12:00 pm (In-Person) Stacey Satchell | PRB 206
Edge Seminar
Newman Seminar
Faculty Life
Life Hacks
Pre/Post Doc
Early career faculty
Your science brought to life in an animation
This was such a great experience, and the process was so easy. The best thing was that it made me think of my science in a new way. As scientists we think about the small details of our work, and this helped me think about how to best communicate my science to scientists from other fields and the lay public. I was surprised how much this changed my thinking about the importance and impact of my own work.

~ Animation Awardee

Thank you to the Edge for Scholars for offering the Scientific Communication Animation Award. It was so fun to work with Kindea Labs to produce a video and it will be a great tool to use to showcase our work to the research community as well as the broader public. It was also a good exercise for our group to hone our own scientific communication skills to tell the story of the data. We have already posted the video on Twitter and plan to add it to our lab website. Nate and the whole team at Kindea Labs made it very easy to put together and we are proud of the final product!

~ Animation Awardee

Our collaborative group of three first-authors and four senior authors won a Science Communication Animation Award from Edge for Scholars to feature our recent work on immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. It was exciting to see our team science explained succinctly in a way that was more accessible to non-scientists - like my parents!

~ Animation Awardee

making a research dissemination video for lay audiences

Clinical Instructor

Medicine/Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Award Type
  • K23

Associate Professor

Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Award Type
  • R01

Research Assistant Professor

Radiology and Radiological Science
Award Type
  • R03

Assistant Professor

Medicine/Genetic Medicine
Award Type
  • New Investigator Award

find out first
For local announcements, follow @EFSInsideScoop.