All scholars on career development programs join the Elliot Newman Society and receive access to Edge for Scholars resources such as Edge Reviews, grant pacing workshops, and the monthly Newman Society seminars.
Scholars are also encouraged to make use of VICTR resources, including Studios, Biostatistics Clinics, and vouchers/pilot funding.
K12 directors may view applications and select scholars from VFRS recruitment.
To add your K12 to the list, email Rebecca Helton.
Focuses on sex and gender biology. Our scholars have discovered mechanisms of gender disparities in survival of acute respiratory distress and sepsis, hormonal influence on T-cell function in determining asthma severity and treatment response, need for gender and race/ethnicity tailoring in dialysis care, and sex/gender differences in resistance to Alzheimer’s. Weekly work-in-progress sessions promote scholarly productivity.
Applications are received through the yearly VUMC Faculty Research Scholars application process in February as well as at other times of the year should vacancies arise. Scholars are seated on a rolling basis as current scholars receive extramural awards and come off the program.
PI: Dr. Amy Major, & Dr. Digna Velez-Edwards
Program Manager: Adrienne Babcock
Aims to train and mentor the next generation of substance use researchers. COSTAR seeks investigators pursuing clinically-oriented addiction research questions across the translational spectrum (T1-T4), including addiction-related hepatitis C, HIV, and mental health co-occurring conditions.
Eligible applicants include: MD/PhD/equivalent Instructor or Assistant Professor level faculty from VUMC/VU/Meharry or OHSU. Physicians in training may apply but will need a letter from their faculty department chair.
Please contact Program Manager to inquire.
PIs: Dr. Hilary Tindle & Dr. Matt Freiberg
Program Manager: Emily Wells
Focuses on intense research experiences in the pathogenesis and basic mechanisms of childhood disease that can be translated to new therapies, including vaccines. Our scholars focus on the full range of basic and translational research projects designed to ultimately advance the care of children. Monthly meetings with the training directors focus on academic leadership skills, peer mentoring and effective lab management.
Applications are received on a rolling basis through the Department of Pediatrics K12 Mentored Research Scholars Program application process. Scholars are seated on a rolling basis as current scholars receive extramural awards. All remain eligible to attend activities as alumni.
PI: Dr. Stephen Webber
Training Directors: Dr. Michael DeBaun & Dr. Mark Denison
Program Manager: Karen Hagan
Supports MD physician-scientists in surgical or procedure-based specialties focused on discovery science. Projects have included molecular drivers responsible for migration of glioblastoma cells to the brain’s subventricular zone and how oxidative stress leads to fibrotic disease in Eosinophilic Esophagitis. Options for 50-75% protected time and program-based loan repayment. Applications are accepted in February.
PI: Dr. James Goldenring
Program Manager: Dr. Amy Martinez
Trains physicians in patient-oriented cancer research, which can but does not require a laboratory component. Prior funded projects translate basic/clinical/behavioral information into patient-oriented research such as the study of DNA damage, infection and carcinogenesis, tumor and germline genomics, health policy, pharmacogenomics and molecular foundations of carcinogenesis. Completion of MSCI or MPH degree while in program is encouraged. Applications are accepted in February, with positions beginning July 1.
PIs: Dr. W. Kimryn Rathmell & Dr. Debra Friedman
Program Manager: Lucy Shaffer
Vanderbilt’s internal career development award. Faculty scholars are competitively selected across all disciplines and degree types for merit and innovation of their science. Stepping stone to NIH/CTSA KL2 career development award and/or individual K. Weekly work-in-progress supplements mentored training.
Surveys of intent to submit for each year’s application season must be received by January 15 of each year. (Request survey of intent.) Applications, which follow the format of an individual K award, are due February 15. Scholars who apply to VFRS may be considered for other K12 programs if their work fits a program’s focus and requirements.
Applications are ranked by the selection committee in March and scholars are seated on a rolling basis as current scholars receive extramural awards and come off the program.
PI: Dr. Julie Bastarache
Program Manager: Rebecca Helton
A K12-like award from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences whose research is clinical, translational with a focus on human tissue, genetic or epidemiologic. Internal VFRS scholars are eligible for placement on this program when a current scholar vacates one of the six chairs.
PI: Dr. Julie Bastarache
Program Manager: Rebecca Helton
Assistant Professor
Research Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Clinical Instructor