Why should you come to these seminars?
For some of you, because it’s required by your degree program. For others, because your training program director nominated you, and you want to impress them, right?
But for all of you, these seminars offer:
Edge seminars offer an opportunity to network with scholars at a similar career stage, check in with the Edge team about resources for you, and ask candid questions of seminar speakers.
Ways to be involved:
Post Edge Seminar schedule in your lab.
Add trainees to the mailing list. Email Verna Wright
Present a seminar aimed at postdocs & early faculty. Email Rebecca Helton
MCN C-2209 | lunch provided | no RSVP
Monthly on Thursdays from 12-1 PM.
Seminars will not be livestreamed.
You can view Edge Seminars below and all Edge for Scholars events.
Yes! All in-person seminars come with lunch.
Yes! Bring your colleagues and lab members to any seminar you think they will enjoy.
We hope so. We offer programs to:
Email the Edge team at info@edgeforscholars.org
Raise awareness of your research by sharing your newly funded grants and published papers with Edge for Scholars. We’ll tweet your success!
Fill out the short survey that gives you an opportunity to include details, collaborators, and images. The Edge team will create the tweet and share it on @EFSInsideScoop. #EFSKudos
~ Edge Seminar Participant
~ Edge Seminar Participant
~ Edge Seminar Participant
Clinical Instructor
Research Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor