Two Important Due Dates:
Survey of Intent due January 15. Once your department chair approves, email the program manager to request a survey. Complete and submit this no later than January 15, 5:00 PM Central Time.
Late surveys will not be accepted.
Application Package due February 17. Applications must be received by 5:00 PM Central Time.
All materials must be emailed to the program manager in a single PDF document ordered as below. The program manager will not compile applications. Late applications will not be accepted.
The application should include:
Cover Letter
The letter should briefly summarize the candidate’s prior research experience, the desirability of a mentored research experience, and the perceived synergy between the candidate’s interests and the background and resources of the mentor(s) in no more than two pages. If the applicant has already applied for an extramural award (such as a K award) this should be indicated in the cover letter, and a copy of the award application should be provided with the candidate’s application.
Research Proposal and Career Development Plan
The goal of the research proposal section of the application is to give review committee members an overview of the research question under scrutiny and to outline the approach that will be used to conduct the research. The goal of the career development plan is to describe how the applicant will be mentored, what training is planned, and the anticipated timeline for preparation of academic products such as manuscripts, presentations, and grant proposals planned during the period of support.
The proposal must include:
Mentor Letter
This letter should narrate the training plan for the applicant with a clear rationale for the components, as well as provide comments indicating how the applicant’s project relates to the mentor’s research expertise. The mentor should indicate a significant track record for mentoring investigators to independence.
Mentor’s NIH Biosketch
The mentor’s NIH biosketch should indicate active extramural funding that runs concurrently with the applicant’s entire Vanderbilt Faculty Research Scholars appointment.
Department Chair Letter of Support
The letter from the department chair must indicate:
Letters of Reference
Letters from two individuals who are familiar with the applicant’s scientific and/or clinical experience should provide insight into the applicant’s potential as a scientist. These letters are in addition to the mentor’s and chair’s letters of support. Letters of reference should come from individuals who are senior in appointment to the applicant. Do not include more than 2 reference letters; multiple people can sign a single letter.
Read the FAQ and then email
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Clinical Instructor
Research Assistant Professor