Scott Pearson

Scott Pearson

Scott Pearson
Application Developer – Flight Tracker
Ideal Contact
Scott Pearson, BS, develops Flight Tracker software that tracks evaluation data about career trajectories. His academic background includes computer science, medicine, and religious studies. Prior to Flight Tracker, he worked on the REDCap team at Vanderbilt to pioneer their mobile app that collects data in Internet-poor settings. To the craft of developing excellent software, he brings a wide variety of prior experiences including hospital/clinical work; a wide love of reading, writing, and languages; and administratively “getting things done.” He loves trying to figure out obscure REDCap issues posed by the EFS group. His academic studies took place at Clemson University, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Princeton Theological Seminary, and the Medical University of South Carolina.  Scott is an ideal contact, whether at Vanderbilt or another REDCap institution, to get started measuring career development with Flight Tracker.
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