
Julie Bastarache, MD

Julie Bastarache, MD

Julie Bastarache, MD
  • Associate Professor, Medicine
  • Assistant Vice President for Clinical & Translational Scientist Development
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Dr. Julie Bastarache is a Pulmonary and Critical Care Physician Scientist. Her clinical practice is at the Nashville Department of Veterans Affairs Hospital where she cares for veterans and also serves as the Medical Director of the Medical ICU. Her research interests are in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) as well as non-pulmonary organ dysfunction during sepsis and critical illness. Her research approach is reverse translational, taking observations for patients and studying the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms using experimental model systems. She mentors a number of trainees from undergraduates through junior faculty and oversees the KL2 Scholars as part of the CTSA. She is a standing member of the NHLBI K08/K01 study section and is an Associate Editor of The American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology.

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